“NCIS” star Wilmer Valderrama revealed that his father had a heart att4ck on Father’s Day.
Earlier, the “NCIS” star posted a selfie with his smiling father from his hospital bed. Fortunately, his father survived the att4ck and appears to be recovering. Valderrama, on the other hand, took the time to express how terrifying the experience was.
“Fathers Day, I’ll remember as the day my papa and I got another shot,” Valderrama began in his caption.
“My father had a major heart att4ck last Sunday.” “One thought came to mind while driving him to the ER and remaining responsive and alert,” the “NCIS” star continued. “If this is our final day together… have I loved him enough?” Have I hugged him and told him he did it… that he sacrificed everything for his family? That I saw him give up everything JUST to give us the American Dream?”
“You taught me to love people and never give up on them,” Valderrama added. To be of service, to give all of you knowing that it will sometimes leave you almost empty… then understanding that made room for more blessings and light… light that you share indefinitely.”

The “NCIS” star took the time to thank a few people who mean a lot to him.
“Thank you God for giving us all one more run, and thank you to the hospitals that saved him,” Valderrama wrote. “I am in awe of your compassion and the miracles you help God perform. “I love you, Papi, and I thank you for fighting to stay.”
Valderrama also left a message for his fans and followers. “Let those of you who still have fathers or father figures know… “Don’t let them go without giving them the assurance that they will live on in your heart forever,” he advised. “And for those of you who now have them as your guardian Angel, remember to communicate with them… their voice will be with you for the rest of your days.”
He wrote on Instagram:
Fathers Day, I will remember as the day where my papa and I got another go at it.
Last Sunday, my dad suffered a major heart attack.. while driving him to the ER, and keeping responsive and alert one thought came through my mind, if this is our last day together.. have I loved him hard enough, have I hugged him and told him that he did it.. that he gave his family everything.. that I saw him sacrifice it all, JUST to give us the American Dream.. you taught me to love people and never give up on them. To be of service, to give all of you knowing that some times it will leave you almost empty.. then understanding that serendipitously made room for more blessings and light.. light that you share endlessly.. thank you god for letting us all have him for one more run, and to the hospitals that saved him.. I am beyond grateful and in awe of your care and the miracles you help god deliver.
Te amo papi, and thank you for fighting to stay.
To those of you who still have your fathers or father figures, let them know.. don’t let them go without giving them the peace of knowing they will in your heart forever.
And for you who now have them as your guardian Angel, don’t forget to speak to them.. their voice will be with you for the rest of your days.

‘NCIS’ Fans Send Wilmer Valderrama Their Love and Support Following His Father’s Heart Att4ck
People flooded “NCIS” star Wilmer Valderrama’s comments with well wishes and supportive messages soon after he posted the update on his father.
Several celebrities left comments with heart or praying emojis. “I love you both,” Eiza Gore said.
“Wilmer,” Laura Regan added. I’m so happy for you; this is wonderful.”
“Best wishes to you, your father, and your entire family,” one supporter wrote.
“I’m relieved he’s okay!” someone else stated
Stay tuned for more information on “NCIS” star Wilmer Valderrama and his father’s recovery.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to NCIS.