Beloved Hollywood actor Ron Harper, known for his roles in Planet of the Apes (1974) television series and Land of the Lost, has passed away at 91 in his Los Angeles home. His daughter, Nicole Longeuay, confirmed that he died of natural causes.
Harper’s career spanned decades, from serving in the United States Navy to appearing on Broadway with Paul Newman. He moved to television, appearing on episodes such as “Wagon Train” and “87th Precinct.” His well-known portrayal as Alan Virdon in the television series “Planet of the Apes” helped him gain global notoriety. Harper later achieved success in daytime dramas and appeared in a number of films.
Despite being a straight-A student at Princeton, he chose acting over attending Harvard Law School. He leaves behind his daughter, son-in-law, granddaughters, and ex-wife. Harper’s legacy will be remembered fondly by fans and colleagues alike.