Mark Harmon, known for his iconic role as Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs on NCIS, is set to return to acting in Freakier Friday, the sequel to Disney’s 2003 comedy Freaky Friday. Harmon will reprise his role as Ryan, the husband of Jamie Lee Curtis’ Tess Coleman. This marks Harmon’s first on-screen role since leaving NCIS in 2021.
Harmon’s return to acting boosts the possibility of a Gibbs appearance in NCIS. While he is unlikely to be a series regular due to his choice for lesser schedules, he could make an occasional guest appearance. A reduced role would allow Harmon to pursue other options while also pleasing fans who want to see Gibbs back in action.
Freakier Friday Could Reignite Harmon’s Passion for Acting
Harmon stepped away from acting in 2021 after an intense 19-season run on NCIS. Now 73, he’s exploring other pursuits, such as co-writing Ghosts of Panama, a book about real-life investigations behind the Naval Investigative Service.
His involvement in Freakier Friday could reignite his passion for performing. Harmon is known for his flexibility in genres such as Westerns (Wyatt Earp), action (The Presidio), and romantic comedy (Chasing Liberty), and his increased part in the sequel provides an opportunity to exhibit his talent once more. As Ryan, he can explore how his character’s relationship with Tess has changed over two decades.
NCIS Season 22: A Prime Opportunity for Gibbs’ Return
Harmon’s appearance in Freakier Friday might pave the way for a return to NCIS. The show’s current ensemble, including Gary Cole’s Alden Parker and Sean Murray’s Timothy McGee, could support Gibbs in a reduced role, much like Ducky’s mentoring appearances in later seasons.
Season 22 could explore Gibbs reuniting with his former team, aiding McGee in investigating Deputy Director LaRoche, a suspicious new character. As narrator and executive producer of NCIS: Origins and with his upcoming projects, Harmon remains active, leaving the door open for a Gibbs cameo that would thrill longtime fans.
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