Blue Bloods is a CBS mainstay. The program has already been renewed for a fourteenth season, which will premiere in 2024. Of course, after over a decade and a half on the air, any show is destined to have some cast change. People come and go, and they frequently leave in unexpected ways.
That is the purpose of this list. It’s one thing to plan an exit for a character, but it’s quite another to have them d1e unexpectedly or decide to leave New York for greater pastures. Here are some of the characters whose exits surprised us the most.
What caused Jackie Curatola to leave Blue Bloods..?
Jackie Curatola was critical to Blue Bloods’ success. Jennifer Esposito’s character was a natural contrast for Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg), and their chemistry added a lot to the show’s case-of-the-week approach. The character then left. She quit the department in season 3 due to fatigue, and the show continued without her.
The decision has sparked some debate, with CBS claiming Esposito’s constrained work schedule as the reason, and Esposito citing her Celiac condition as the reason she was abruptly let go. In any case, the character of Jackie Curatola returned in season 14, providing fans with some closure. Her departure was certainly unexpected, but at least we got to find out what occurred next.

Linda Reagan left Blue Bloods for what reason..?
Linda Reagan was an important supporting character on the show for the first seven seasons. Her significance rose with time, as indicated by the fact that the actress who played her, Amy Carlson, was promoted to major cast member in season 5. This is what made the character’s d3ath so sh0cking.
Linda perished in a helicopter crash between the end of season 7 and the start of season 8, therefore it occurred off-screen. We were just informed about it during the season 8 opener, which sh0cked and outraged many who believed she deserved better. Carlson had similar feelings.
The performer told Deadline that she was astonished to learn that her character had been murd3red off and that she “wouldn’t have done that.” The very element that makes it frustrating is also what makes it unexpected.

Anthony Renzulli left Blue Bloods for what reason..?
During the first several seasons of Blue Bloods, another major character was Anthony Renzulli. He made 39 appearances on the show, but he abruptly disappeared after season 6, leaving some fans perplexed. Renzulli was neither k1lled or transferred; he merely faded into the background.
The explanation behind this remains unknown. There were accusations that the actor who plays Renzulli, Nicholas Turturro, was tough to deal with, but he has expressed a desire to return to the show at some point in the future. Only time will tell if he returns to the precinct before the show concludes.

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