Blue Bloods, the popular CBS police procedural drama, is set to end after its 14th season, despite its ongoing success since its premiere on September 24, 2010. The show’s cancellation before reaching its 15th season and 300 episodes has left fans bewildered, especially as their online campaigns to save the show proved unsuccessful. The series will conclude in late 2024 with the season 14 finale.
To add to the uncertainty, Paramount Global’s co-CEO Brian Robbins recently hinted about a Blue Bloods spinoff. Robbins mentioned new franchise extensions for Dexter, Billions, and Blue Bloods, but no other information was revealed. This unexpected event has sparked speculation about the network’s decision-making process for the show’s survival.
Blue Bloods’ Spinoff Adds To The Confusion Surrounding the Show’s Cancellation.
Paramount’s confirmation of a Blue Bloods spinoff has left fans puzzled and frustrated over CBS’s decision to cancel the original series. While the spinoff is exciting news, it raises questions about why CBS didn’t simply renew Blue Bloods for a fifteenth season, especially since it remains popular.
Production costs are likely to have influenced the decision, as networks and streaming providers frequently replace more expensive original shows with cheaper spinoffs. Executives may also seek to broaden and rejuvenate the IP with new shows, hoping to breathe new life into the Blue Bloods universe. However, this technique is of little comfort to viewers who have enjoyed the show’s continuous quality for 14 years and are now facing the departure of the majority of the core actors.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to BLUE BLOODS.
Why do the excutives always decide to cancel shows we love to watch only to have us turn to other avenues of entertainment. It is disheartening to finally find a decent family show only to have greedy top people decide to give you junk. Come on guys stick with what the public wants not what you want.