In a heartbreaking episode titled “The Stories We Leave Behind,” NCIS remembered the famous character Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, played by the late David McCallum, who had been with the show for 20 seasons.
The episode, written by cast member Brian Dietzen and executive producer Scott Williams, sensitively conveyed the impact Ducky’s death had on both current and former teammates.
Opening with a poignant scene of Dr. Jimmy Palmer discovering Ducky’s peaceful passing, the episode evoked a sense of communal grief among fans. Dietzen emphasized the profound loss felt by viewers who had admired McCallum’s work spanning five decades, from “Man From U.N.C.L.E.” to NCIS.
The emotional depth was enhanced with a melancholy arrangement of the NCIS theme, chosen by editor Greg Gontz to honor the occasion. Composer Brian Kirk created a moving version of the opening theme that reflected the solemnity of the occasion.
NCIS bid farewell to Ducky with a touching tribute that resonated deeply with fans, honoring both the character and the legacy of the late David McCallum.
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